Frequently Asked Questions about Siramarti World Light Healing

One of the main aims of Reach Potential is to offer world healing through energetic techniques specific to the Siramarti Personal Growth Process on a regular basis *

Here are some answers to commonly asked questions about World Light Healing and how Siramarti techniques support it.

Frequently Asked Questions about Siramarti World Light Healing

Q. What is World Light Healing

A. Individuals who lead others do so by direct action but also through the power of their personal energy field, aka resonance, which can uplift or modify the attitudes of those around them. You may be aware of this through your experiences of both good and poor leaders.

Some people, however, desire to consciously lead positive change through injecting the energy of Love into world situations that require physical healing, a transformation of negative social attitudes, or to support those who are working tangibly to improve the environment. We call these World Light Healers.

One of the best ways to become a truly effective Light Healer is through learning how to consciously utilise the energy of high frequency Evolved Love.

Q: I know of the term Lightwork. What is the difference between that and Light Healing?

A: The term Lightworker was coined by Michael Mirdad in the 1970s or early 80s. However, we make a distinction between the concepts of Lightwork and Light Healing.

Light is information in energetic form. Lightwork refers to the ability to gather useful truths from the unconscious for the benefit of others. The Lightworker may have any number of roles from psychic medium to teacher, mentor or intuitive channel.

World Light Healing is a form of Lightwork for the planet, but the strength of its power to heal in dependent on the healer’s ability to combine their embodied personal light with Evolved Love and direct it to a specific situation.

Siramarti Light Healers integrate spiritual Light with their own desire to Love, heal or support via energetic methods.

Q: What is Evolved Love?

A: Love is an umbrella term for the many frequencies of energy that create and/or maintain well-being for humans, animals, or the planetary environment in different aspects and flavours, such as healing, comfort, compassion, caring, joy, wonder, and spiritual connection, etc.

Evolved Love energy is the kind of love that specifically lifts human consciousness to a higher frequency in which fear is reduced, ego is cleared, and individuals actively seek their greatest potential through integrating their spiritual powers within their unique human nature. Evolved Love is inclusive of everyone and everything and its frecquency is the basis for creating a better world than the one we currently experience. It is the foundation for new consciousness upon which the future of the world will be built.

Q: How does Light Healing change a situation?

A: Before any change in a situation can occur, extra energy must be injected into it. (Changing the position of your furniture requires that you put energy into doing that. Duh!). In other words, focusing your thought precedes the manifestation of a tangible outcome. Those who create healing or positive change focus their whole of self energy to ‘visualise’ an improvement in a dysfunctional situation. This intention harnesses energy for a particular result.

The more World Light Healers can join together in a group effort, the stronger its energetic impact on those individuals and situations that are engaged in resolving or adapting to a specific problem, whether that be in the human or natural world.

Q: Why does Light Healing training improve healing power?

A: Siramarti Light Healing focuses on creating a specific change in the energetics of a given person or situation by radiating one’s own power to increase the well-being and spiritual growth of the other. We are not just 'sending healing love' without specifying what outcome we want. The clearer the focus, the better the healing.

However, it is also important that the healer's own energy is at an optimal frequency to bring about change. In Light Healing training, techniques are supplied to strengthen the unique power of an individual to bring about healing. **

Q. Can Light Healing be used to help anything or anyone?

Light healing is suited to improving the situation of individuals, locations such in your home or favourite park, groups of people you lead or belong to, and those supporting the repair of the environment, others' health, animal welfare, etc.

However, receptivity to World Light Healing varies according to the recipients’ willingness to receive it. This means that the manifestation of a healing in the real world may not be immediately apparent. However, the energy remains available to the higher self of the other or the Spirit governing a particualar area to use when they are ready or want it. 

Q. Can I practise Light Healing if I do not know anything about Siramarti techniques?

A. If you follow the weekly instructions for World Light Healings provided on our Light Healers Facebook page, you will be contributing to Light Healing automatically. However, if you wish to strengthen the effectiveness of that healing we recommend that you consider joining the first of our self-guided courses on Thinkific or one of the workshops advertised in the top menu.

Q. I am a Reiki channel. How does Siramarti Light Healing differ from what I already practise?

A. In some ways it does not differ! But what the Siramarti visualisations do is significantly increase the power of your healing through refining your own resonance. All spiritual healing relies on the channel's ability to hold and radiate love. Love energy is diluted if the channel is not fully aligned with their own soul power. Where you have a naturally strong capacity, that is where your healing can be most powerful. For example, if you are naturally compassionate, you can most easily bring compassion to painful situations. If you are very good at organising projects, so that organisational energy can help to bring order to disruption, and so on. Our Light Healing techniques make full use of your strengths.



*For more on the Siramarti Process, see Useful PDFs on our website.

**Those who wish to access Light Healing training documents should subscribe to the Reach Potential Light Healers Membership at 

Copyright 2022 Siramarti Publishing Pty Ltd

Photo credit: Gerd Altmann @ Pixabay